SEOpressor Review

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SEOPressor is a powerful guide and plugin that can rate content and drive immeasurable amounts of traffic to your website. It is capable of capturing, testing and rating various on-page SEO techniques and factors. It has its own rating algorithm which is very simple and effective. It’s effectiveness has been proven that posts optimized with scores of more than 35% tends to rank very well in Google and end up becoming top landing pages that attract visitors.
Date Release : 2010.
Official Website : Seopressor.

Author : Daniel Tan.
Format : Wordpress Plugin.

Seopressor Video Review

Seopressor Review

SEOPressor Plugin looks at your Wordpress blog through the either of a search engine instantly. You will get a whole list of suggestions on what can be improved in your post, before you publish it.
Lets say you have some old blog that is lagging in the search rankings and you can’t figure out why, try installing SEOPressor and I’m sure you’ll notice a lot of little things you’ve missed and can improve on and make the fixes and boost the rankings of your posts right away.
And of course you’ll save tremendous amount of time and effort on all your new posts. Wouldn’t you want to produce optimized posts from the start ? Wouldn’t you rather focus on creating better content for your readers then trying to keep track of a dozen little things that are needed for better SEO?.
Beleive me, competitors in your niche will have a tremendous advantage if they use SEOPressor and you don’t. The tool is so POWERFUL that it makes it MANDATORY.
  • SEOPressor will check your text decorations.
  • Bold, Italic and Underlines. As you know, you must have your keyword emphasis on your keyword for better SEO Results. If you haven’t done those decorations in your posts yourself, SEOPressor will do that for you. You will have one instance of Bold, Italic and Underlined keyword in your post Automaticaly.
  • SEOPressor will check your Alt Tags on Images.
  • As you know your alt tags should contain your keyword. If you forgot to do that, SEOPressor will do it for you too. Your keyword will be added to your alt tag in the following format “Your whatever text | YOUR KEYWORD”.
  • SEOPressor will check your Post Title.
  • And once again if you forgot to add your keyword to the title, it will do it for you automaticaly in the following format “Your Post Title | YOUR KEYWORD”
  • SEOPRessor will check if you’ve added H1, H2, H3 tags in your post.
  • SEOPressor will check your linking structure and make sure you have an instance of your keyword included in a link
  • SEOPressor will check your Keyword Density and will make suggestions.


When it comes to SEO, there are a lot of things to consider before you can consider yourself a true SEO expert. But with SEOPressor, you can play the game as a SEO expert using advanced SEO techniques. After testing and tweaking SEOPressor, we found that the system is real, very simple, and effective. If you are serious about get your website well-ranked by Google and other search engines, SEOPressor is the key to success. We definitely recommend giving this SEO tool a try. (9/10)

SEOpressor Bonus

Please visit the BONUS PAGE for more information.